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5 Warning Signs of Skin Cancer That You Shouldn’t Ignore

5 Warning Signs of Skin Cancer That You Shouldn’t Ignore

When detected early, skin cancer is highly curable! However, you have to pay close attention to your body, especially your moles, to find it at an early stage. You should regularly check our moles for abnormal size, color, or growth....

Coronavirus Will Force Us To Take Behavioral Health Seriously

Express Scripts recently reported a spike in prescriptions for medications targeted to the treatment of anxiety, depression, and insomnia as the COVID-19 crisis was gathering steam, a development that should not come as a surprise to anyone....

Coronavirus Could Have Serious Consequences For Women’s Health, Says The UN

The COVID-19 lockdown has changed life as so many people know it. Getting used to working from home and avoiding contact with others is the new norm so to prevent the spread of the virus. While the...
The Covid-19

Solving The Covid-19 Crisis Will Require More Foreign Health Care Workers

As the country faces a surge in those infected with the covid-19 virus, health care workers are increasingly at risk of getting sick and even dying. There are news reports that soon the country could run out...

Half Of Americans Suffering Mental Health Issues During Coronavirus, New Poll Shows

Like most Americans, Jenny Korn, a Research Affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, is doing her best to adjust to the “new normal.” Sheltered in place in Chicago, she is...

Worried That You Have Coronavirus? Here’s How To See A Doctor For Free In...

You’ve been coughing and have a fever. Is it the new coronavirus, COVID-19? Before you head to the hospital, check out a growing number of telemedicine apps and free services for a first assessment that could avoid...

World Health Organization Declares Coronavirus A Global Pandemic

Topline: The World Health Organization on Wednesday declared Covid-19 a global pandemic, sending a message to world leaders that the coronavirus is a fast-moving crisis that needs to be taken seriously. The WHO had been...

World Health Organization To Decide Whether Wuhan Coronavirus A Global Health Emergency

The World Health Organization (WHO) will decide later today in Geneva whether or not to label the novel coronavirus from Wuhan a global health emergency. It is unclear exactly when this announcement will be made, but their...

Stop Using The Coronavirus As An Excuse To Be Racist

The coronavirus has been the topic of global conversation for the last month, causing mass hysteria and worldwide panic. Stores have been unable to keep protective face masks in stock and Corona beer sales have declined, given the association to the coronavirus...

Coronavirus Outbreak Puts Belt And Road Projects On Hold, For Now

Throughout history, when markets merge, when cultures come together, when technology is shared and commerce commenced, disease spreads. The same roads and corridors that allow for the flow of goods are also thoroughfares for pathogens. We’ve seen...


3 Retirement Plans For Freelancers And Small Businesses

About 31% of American adults work in the gig economy, either full time or as a side hustle. For those relying...