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technology surveys

How To Read Technology Surveys

Technology vendors love surveys. It would be hard to find a tech specialist that hasn’t at one time or another conducted a market study in order to table ‘findings’ that are meant to provide industry insight...
mobile technology

The Truth About Mobile Technology

I base my truth about mobile on two things: what customers and industry leaders say and how analysts define leadership in this space. To me, the most telling aspect about mobile is the way enterprises are using mobile solutions to simplify operations,...

Why The Best Technology Doesn’t Always Win

Startups are supposed to be the bastions of innovation, driving new ways of doing and better ways of being. Yet, most of them fail, as we have heard time and time again. Aren't these companies supposed to be operating at the cutting...

Why The United Technologies-Raytheon Merger Makes Sense

A Japan Self-Defense Force solider stands by a PAC-3 Patriot missile unit made by Raytheon at the Defense Ministry in Tokyo in 2012. About 30% of Raytheon's sales are overseas, tops among U.S. defense contractors. (AP...


Why You Need Gladiators In Business And How To Identify Them

What comes to mind when you think of gladiators? You might recall the fierce combatants whose violent...