Most people use washing powders and detergents to clean their clothes. However, most of these products contain chemicals that are not only harmful to the environment but also the skin and overall health of humans. On top of that, they are pretty expensive to buy. Hence, the best way to deal with such adversities is to go green while saving money simultaneously. Using washing balls for laundry can help to eliminate the problems that are associated with traditional detergent while maintaining the same efficiency level of cleaning fabrics.

The laundry balls are put in the washer instead of detergents for washing clothes. One ball should be enough for a normal-sized load of laundry. Medium to large-sized loads would require 2-3 balls for better cleaning. These products can be used in almost all types of fabrics and are safe for all models of washing machines. 


The washing balls have several advantages over traditional laundry detergent. They are listed below:


A laundry ball is tentatively the size of a softball and weighs very less. Using these not only saves an individual from lugging heavy bottles of detergent home from the store but also provides an easier solution, as it does not drip or spill like liquid or powder detergent. They are also easy to use and they do not make any mess.


Laundry balls can be the ideal solution for people who have sensitive skin, as they do not contain any harsh chemicals, dyes, or perfumes. They are antibacterial, hypoallergenic, and gentle on the skin. Washing balls for laundry can also prove to be beneficial for people with eczema and psoriasis since they do not leave behind any residue on the clothes.


As opposed to laundry detergents, these balls are eco-friendly, natural, and organic. They do not contain any chemicals, which make them a better alternative for the environment and the water supply than traditional washing powders. These laundry balls work by increasing the pH level of the water.


Most washing balls for laundry usually last up to 1000-1500 uses and it is easily discernible when they start losing their effectiveness. An average family runs around 300 loads of laundry each year. That way, each ball should last around five years. For families who wash clothes only one load per week, the number of weeks these balls can be reused is quite high.

Other than these, they also have the following benefits:

  • Cost-effective and help to save money
  • Reduce build-up in the washing machine
  • Save water as rinse cycle is not needed if used
  • Work on all kinds of clothes
  • Gentle on the laundry


These washing balls for laundry are the latest innovation in washing technology that has multiple uses and benefits. This is a revolutionary way of getting the entire load clean faster. It is a one-time purchase that helps to save money in the long run as it can last up to 1,500 wash loads. This is a smart solution that every household needs as they can not only improve lifestyle but also help in going green in addition to saving money.